The University of Oxford defines it principally as: "a series of thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep"; "a cherished aspiration, ambition, or ideal".
(link: http://oxforddictionaries.com/definition/dream?region=us)
But also, "there is not a universally accepted biological definition of dreaming. In 1952, Eugene Aserinsky identified and defined rapid eye movement (REM) sleep while working in the surgery of his PhD advisor. Aserinsky noticed that the sleepers' eyes fluttered beneath their closed eyelids, later using a polygraph machine to record their brainwaves during these periods. In one session, he awakened a subject who was wailing and crying out during REM and confirmed his suspicion that dreaming was occurring" (William Dement, 1996).
While dreams do not represent reality, it has nuances of it. Since most of the elements that containing we apprehended have from our daily lives. The conflict originates, -or at least in my case- when inside a dream, you meet someone you've never known. The question for this occasion is: a person who I've never seen in reality, really I've never had seen before? Because in the end, it might be i just not remember it, but may be recorded somewhere vaguely in my memory...
Usually, the dreams I remember them until 10 minutes after waking, which is why I know I've had pleasant dreams, only when that's the feeling I have, therefore, not remember the dream itself. Although there are exceptions where you can remember your dreams. For example, I always remember dreams in which I can fly. Strangely enough, they say that dreams have meanings background too.

On the other hand, dreams are also seen as a kind of goal or ideal to which you aspire. When I was younger was full of dreams, perhaps the most fanciful. Now no there is something specific to i really want to reach, because I have founded that i need in the narration of novels. I can do whatever you want to be, is like having a small world to do and undo as you wish.