Tuesday 12 April 2011

Free time is the best of the world

 From Monday to Thursday I come to university and get out at 6 pm. That let me about five hours for free time, but I study three hours from them. Then I get just two free hours, and I spend that time for dinner and check the news.
But I have Friday, Saturday and Sunday interlay empties. And I spend that free time from several ways, being mainly two:
1)      Indoors
I like to reed archaeological articles and watch in youtube videos to relate whit world origins.
I see WWE too. I like to play PES in PS2 and the sorts of cards game I play are like FOURTH KING and Poker.
2)      Outdoors
The activities I do to outdoors I thing are restricted just to play soccer.

When I was a kid I loved to fly kites, collecting cards for albums and I remember I played any kind of outdoors games.
I would like to try, once time in my life at least, doing parachuting. I mean the sensation of air touching your face in that’s extremely situation its must be exciting, you know, is like if you could to fly.    
Then, I think the way in that I spend my free time is not so unproductive at all.  

Tuesday 5 April 2011

My Favorite Character of Anthropology ?

                                                     (July 9, 1858 – December 21, 1942)

Boas was a German-American Anthropologist was born in Minden, Westphalia. He studied at the Heidelberg and Bonn Universities, after got a postgrade title in 1881 like physicist and geographer by Kiel University. In 1886 he moved to America. After works like teacher of several universities, finally he came to enter to Columbia University in 1899, directing this way the most influent anthropology department in the country. Specialist in the languages, culture and evolution of the American native societies, was the relativist school founder and. In 1911 wrote “The Mind of Primitive Man”, work that was really important, since its publication, was one of the basic texts of anthropology, a discipline that Boas contributed greatly to establish and diffuse. He co-founded the American Anthropological Association and, since 1931, was president of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
His most important contributions:
- He studied to Kwakiutl Indians for more than 40 years.
-Developed visual anthropology.
-Precursory of historical particularism.
 -Propelled anthropological linguistics.
- Notable contributions in physical anthropology
-Progress in the field work.
His Books
-The Relation of Darwin to Anthropology
-The Mind of Primitive Man (1911)
-Race, Language, and Culture (1940)
-The Shaping of American Anthropology
-Anthropology and Modern Life (1928)
-Changes Inform of Body of Descendant of Immigrants (1911)
-Culture and Race (1913)
-Primitive Art (1927)
-Dakota Grammar (1941)
As you can see Boas was one of the greatest anthropologists of the last century, not only by the amount of work and material stuff that he do, but its development and introduction of scientific method in anthropological work, is therefore regarded as the father of American anthropology and founder of modern anthropology.

        Bibliography:  Ino Rossi y Edwards O’Higgins, 1981, teorías de la cultura y métodos antropológicos, pp 92-101, Barcelona, editorial Anagrama.